Professionalism and Art.
It is very rare to find these two characteristics in a single person.
Vinicio Ferri possesses and masters them with skill and ease.
Never intrusive. Never banal. He never demands, at most he suggests. While he works, it is difficult to notice his presence. But he is always ready to recognize and capture with a shot that unrepeatable moment when emotions manifest and are at their most intense.
Vinicio Ferri "recognizes and captures" the event the very moment it unfolds, with all its spontaneity, fixing it forever with his shots. Many others create the "situation" to photograph it later.
And if you haven't understood the subtle but substantial difference between the two things, it means you are not yet ready for a photographer like him.
Thank you, Vinicio. In your photos, we relive the exact same emotions of that day.
- Martina and Mario